The use of the services and the purchase of the products offered on this site imply acceptance of the general conditions listed below. Any products offered by our website could be created, collected, sent or presented by a third party site and in this case they would be subject to their own terms and conditions. In some cases, to purchase a product, the user will need to register, entering reliable personal data and setting a password.

The user can choose and modify the password for access to the administration of their account at any time, if they have registered and this is necessary for the purchase of one of our products. Sovezir assumes no responsibility in the event that you give this key to third parties.

All purchases and transactions that are made through this site are subject to a confirmation and verification process, which could include verification of stock and product availability, payment method validation, invoice validation (the where applicable) and compliance with the conditions. required by the selected payment method. In some cases, email verification may be required.

The prices of the products offered in this online store are only valid for purchases made on this site.